Monday, April 16, 2012

Esperanza's Faith in Mankind

woke up and drove to work this morning with a severe case of the "Mondays". I had a gut feeling today would not be smooth sailing. Boy, was I right. Today was a quintessential Monday indeed. In order to keep my sanity, I knew I needed the right music to get me through the day.

Thank God for Esperanza Spalding! Hailing from Portland, Oregon, Esperanza is a jazz bassist and singer who won the Grammy award for Best New Artist in 2011 over "King of the Teens" Justin Bieber. Almost instantly after her win, she was a worldwide trending topic on Twitter. Some people had no idea who she was. 

But I did. And I knew the Grammy Awards got it right with this choice. Uncompromising, intelligent, prodigal, and armed with chilling vocals, if you have not heard her greatness, do yourself a favor. Treat your mind, ears, and heart to her artistry. Did I also mention that in 2005, around age 20, she was hired by Berklee College of Music as an instructor? Amazing....

Today, I wanted (no, NEEDED) to hear Spalding's "Espera", from her 2008 CD, Esperanza. A seamless blend of her soaring, spectacular contralto vocals and a smoky, smooth jazz composition highlighted with Lady Esperanza's superb skills on the bass, "Espera" will put your mind at ease immediately.

Aside from her vocal and musical talent, her sharpness and insightful writing style is showcased on "Espera". She boldly wears her heart on her sleeve, confessing that even though she believed there was "no hope for a bright tomorrow", she still has "FAITH IN MANKIND"

I am sure her sentiments reflect ours. In the workplace and in society in general, we find it hard to trust virtually anyone. The world seems to be filled with liars, thieves, murderers, and other unsavory characters. However, we can not live our lives clothed in paranoia and fear. 

We have to have faith. Faith that every person in the world is not out to "get us". Faith that some people actually are who they say they are. Faith in true love, true friendship, and true teamwork. Faith in ourselves. Faith that no matter what has happened to us, we can forgive and move forward. And, faith that traumatic experiences can be used to build us up and not just destroy us. 

Esperanza states, "the path to peace is endless" but she won't give up. Will you?

Have faith and prosper,

-T. Amour

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