Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving: The Good, Bad, and Ugly - Be Thankful Anyway

Depending on who you are, Thanksgiving can stir a multitude of emotions. For some of us, we can picture and taste our Grandma's savory sweet potato pie. For others, it brings back bad memories of awkward family conversations or disagreements.

Personally, I have mixed emotions about Thanksgiving. I strive to be thankful everyday, even when things don't go my way. I could also get into the whole Pilgrims/Native Americans thing, but that is another post and I won't go there!

I have a list of my blessings that I refer to at least 3 times a week to remind me that my life, although it is not perfect, is filled with small joys. I have a husband, a healthy daughter, healthy nieces and nephews, a roof over my head, and yes, even my day job (because having a source of income rocks). I am also thankful for music and poetry :)

I also have this blog. And I have each and every one of you who takes just a few minutes to read my blog and support me as I chase my dreams of becoming a successful blogger, writer, and business owner. Even if you don't agree with the orgins behind this holiday, grab some Chinese, sit down on the floor and write out a list of what makes your life worth living. I promise, it is longer than you think!

From me to you, have a joyous Thursday filled with light, love, prosperity, laughter, smiles, and purpose!

Since I have until Monday off work, I can FINALLY finish a couple of blog posts that I have been wanting to share with you.

Here's a old-school song to put you in a thankful mindset: William DeVaughn "Be Thankful for What You Got"

With Love,

T. Amour

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