Monday, November 12, 2012

Words of Wisdom

Just a few thoughts to keep in mind this week! I look forward to bringing you Part 2 of my "Most Interesting Rappers" post (See part one here) soon.

**Attitude defines reality - If you remain positive, then positive things will manifest in your life!

**Trials build character - Successful people CAN'T be weak. Your current struggle will prepare you for the continuous uphill battle toward personal success.

**Square pegs don't fit into circles - Don't try to force things to work that simply don't work. And don't try to fit into a circle you don't belong in. Individuality is sexy.

**Silence is golden - Our world moves at an alarming rate. Take time to slow down for a minute and savor life.

**Beautiful Surroundings - You have no control over other people's personalities, opinions, and actions. But you can control who you let into your space. Life is too short to surround yourself with ignorant people.

I hope you have a beautiful week!

Love Light and Live Life!

-T. Amour

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