Monday, June 24, 2013

Finding Peace

Happy Monday!

Peace is one of the most sought after gifts on this Earth.

How wonderful would it be to live in a world with no violence, no war, and no hostility!

But, this is not possible. As long as you have people with different religions, upbringings, and cultural views on what is "right", conflict will continue to happen.

We cannot control what others do, say, and believe. But, we can find peace within ourselves and our homes.

How do we find peace within?
  • By stopping the mental and emotional assaults on ourselves. 
    • Stop telling yourself you will never make it or you are not "good enough". The thoughts we meditate on become our reality because we don't strive for anything better.
  • By acting toward others in love, even when they don't reciprocate it. 
    • This is a hard task to do, but if we allow ourselves to lash out in anger every time someone does or says something we don't agree with, we are inviting unrest into our spirit.
  • By allowing others to live their own version of peace.
    • What we define as peace and stability in our minds and lives is not the same for others. As long as the other person is not hurting anyone, allow them to live their peace. For instance, my peace comes through writing and poetry and is not found in the "traditional" workplace. For another woman, her peace may be found in a 9-5 setting. When we stop trying to "fix" others, we can transform ourselves and be a positive influence on those around us.
  • By constructing a time and place to be alone. 
    • Even if you have to get out of bed earlier or escape to your bathroom or car, find at least 15 minutes for yourself. Breathe, clear your thoughts, and pray or meditate to restore balance in your life. When you replenish your reserve, you can serve others more efficiently.
Love and Light,

-T. Amour

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