It is only Monday and this week has been crazy already, both personally and on the celebrity scene.
On Sunday, a long-standing feud between R&B singers Chris Brown and Frank Ocean boiled over in a parking lot brawl in West Hollywood. Last year, a nasty Twitter exchanged involving Brown and Ocean (along with their friends) was catalyst for drama between them.
Thoughts: I like both Christopher and Frank as artists. They are both incredibly talented and I have blogged about them previously. I hated to see this unfortunate news about the two. I stood up and supported Frank's bravery when he released personal information about his sexuality.
Likewise, I have kept my focus on Chris Brown's future and talent as opposed to the mishaps and missteps he has become infamous for because I think it is wrong to judge someone by their worst "moments". None of us were there on Sunday, so we can't make any assumptions about who started what and details of the event. I'm hoping they get past this, learn from it, and readjust how they react to certain situations in the future. All love from T. Amour.

Thoughts: *sigh* Some of you won't like this, but I am going to say it anyway. I am not a Rick Ross fan outside of his Deeper than Rap album, but I am glad he came out of the situation with his life. Rick Ross's career has been plagued with his troubles with real life drug trafficker "Freeway" Ricky Ross (whom he borrowed his moniker from) and the Gangster Disciples. The Gangster Disciples have noticed Rick's use of their "Star of David" and want compensation for it.
He was threatened by them a few months ago and brushed off the threats in an attempt to maintain what is left of his "street cred" (which was largely diminished when people found out he used to be a former correction officer and not a drug peddler). There is a lesson in all this mess.
In short, don't try to pretend to be something you are not. It is not worth it. This persona he has built has put his life in danger and it is not worth it! If you are a rapper and you were not a participant in the "hood" lifestyle, find something else to rap about. These gangs are not playing with you and they take their lifestyle very seriously. Rap or sing about YOUR reality and what you know. Someone out there will understand you and appreciate you for it!
With Love,
T. Amour
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