Sunday, April 15, 2012

You Are What You Think

A thought before bed (about 10:45PM EST)

"A man is what he thinks about all day long." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

In other words, if you think your life sucks and you are a loser, then it does and you are. And, if you meditate and feed on negativity all day long, then those thoughts are going to resonate in your actions!!! Any ability to appreciate the positive aspects of your life will be defeated by your negative mindset. 

But, just maybe, if you speak uplifting words of life into your personal atmosphere, then you will be able to truly have a better day. Will it change your situation immediately? No. When I wake up tomorrow morning, I will still have to go to my desk job. I am thankful for my source of income, but it is not my dream. I am confident my life is going to change, but I am realistic and understand that change takes time.

If the only thought I have on my mind all day is "I don't want to be at this job", then I will wake up Monday-Friday dreading work and "live for the weekend". However, if I look at my job as a temporary situation and learn to use the skills and experience I am gaining in the project management field to launch a career as a writer/business owner, then I won't feel like I am wasting my time! Did I mention this is easier said than done? Training your mind to be optimistic is a continual process!

Change begins on the inside. We have to visualize the future we want for ourselves, and then TAKE ACTION and make our move! Optimistic thinking will not make your life perfect, but you will surely enjoy it more!

Think success, See success, then BE success,

-T. Amour

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