Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday...Oh Monday...

If I said the last couple of days have been insanely busy, I would be making a severe understatement. The last 48 hours have moved so quickly, I feel like I am just catching up right now! 

But now that I have brought my body and spirit up to speed with time, let's talk about Monday. Aaaaah Monday. For any 9-5er, Monday is the ultimate arch nemesis, looming behind the serenity of Sunday like a dark rain cloud, waiting for the morning to arrive so it can viciously attack and drench us with blues. 

Yes, I had a typical Moody Monday. To balance out the
 unnerving drama today, I decided to dig into my inner child (and college kid) for a beloved poem. When I was school-aged, I liked school but HATED homework. Naturally, Shel Silverstein's "Homework, Oh Homework" became an mental anthem and I could instantly hear it blaring in my head at the thought of homework.
So, during a brief break today, I entertained myself by writing Silverstein's poem and replacing the homework with my new enemy: MONDAY. Strange? Maybe. 15 minutes worth of solo laughter and entertainment? YES!

Here it is:

Monday! Oh, MondayI hate you! You stink! 

I wish I could wash you 
away in the sink. 

If only a bomb 

would blow you to bits. 
Monday! Oh, Monday
You're giving me fits. 

I'd rather take a bath 

with a man-eating shark, 
or wrestle a lion 
alone in the dark, 
eat spinach and liver, 
pet ten porcupines, 
than tackle Monday
this day is a crime! *slight improvisation* 
Monday! Oh, Monday
You're last on my list. I simply can't see why you even exist. 

If you just disappeared 
it would tickle me pink. 
Monday! Oh, Monday
I hate you! You stink!

*Original poem by Shel Silverstein*

I am not sure why, but re-writing and reading this poem made my day instantly better. What did you do to inject humor into YOUR day today? No matter what we are going through or what challenges loom ahead, humor can make our obstacles appear slightly smaller. 

Here's a challenge for you: take 15 minutes every day and do something to make yourself laugh. It may be writing something silly, watching a funny YouTube video, or calling that one unintentionally hilarious person you know. Just make sure you laugh!

Love Laughter,

-T. Amour

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